Tuesday, January 13, 2009

New Beginning

Tuesday, January 13, 2009
I bet you are wondering what "It Happens" is all about. What is "it"? Well, it is life. Life happens. Whether we want it to or not. It does not stop for any one. It doesn't slow down or speed up. It keeps its own pace. So we need to make the most of it. We acknowledge that it's happening and we make the most of it. We should enjoy it. I have always wanted to do a blog but have put it off. So, I have finally gotten my act together and created two blogs. You can find my other blog "Inspirational Madness" under my profile. I encourage you to read, comment, or email me at it.happens247@gmail.com.

2009 has already started off with some new beginnings in people's lives. I recently attended M&R's wedding right after the new year. Two people starting off the new year as a wife/husband and ready to tackle life together. After trekking off on their honeymoon, they are moving clear across the country to the east coast to begin a whole new life in Maryland. Then, I celebrated with friends when a former roommate of mine, J, moved into her first place outside of home -- her first apartment with her boyfriend. She is switching out her need for ramen noodles and jeans to frying pans, towels, and a place to finally call her own. When I met her at the door with a house-warming bottle of wine in hand, I could see her excitement at how she has built this new part of her life. I don't think I have ever been so proud or happy for her. This year is her year of new beginnings. And finally, while we were out celebrating, J's friend had stopped by to announce that her boyfriend had proposed to her. She whipped out a bottle of champagne and showed off the ring. This is their new beginning. And......it's only been......what.....two weeks! One new proposal, one marriage, and one new home to start out the new year. If January is going to be like this, I can't wait to see what the rest of the year has in store for the people in my life!

Later Dayz,


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