Monday, April 13, 2009

Where's My Bro-mance?

Monday, April 13, 2009
I just got done watching an episode of "House" on Fox tonight and had to blog about this. I love the "bro-mance" (a recent term where the relationship between to men can go beyond the high-fives to an actual deep relationship without one wanting to jump into bed with the other) between House and Wilson on this series -- in fact, I'm downright jealous of it. They bounce off one another, banter back and forth, can dish it back as easily as they can receive it, anticipate each other's moves and motives, pull the pranks, show up at each other's doorstep in the early AM and can be flat-out honest with each other. The synergy between these two is amazing to watch and can be just as envious. I know this is a television show with writers manipulating the characters and their relationships with each other to their whims but that doesn't deter the jealousy much. I can't remember a time in my life where I was "that" close to anyone and I think to have that kind of person in your life would be truly comforting. You wouldn't be embarrassed to call them at 3am or burst into tears in front of them or be afraid to call them out on something. I do have many great people in my life who I love to be around and maybe......... someday, some of those relationships will go deeper than I could imagine and I can have a sis-mance of my own. Haha....bro-mance does sound better, doesn't it? Until next time!

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